Basic Policy (Brother Group Principles of Social Responsibility)
In 2012, the Brother Group Principles of Social Responsibility was formulated to clearly define our corporate responsibility and actions toward achieving a sustainable society. Sections on non-discrimination and non-harassment, fair and lawful labor practices, freedom of association, child and forced labor, clearly defined disciplinary polices, and whistleblowing system were established in this set of principles which expresses the fundamental principles of the responsibilities and actions of companies in the Brother Group. It clearly states that we will provide fair working conditions, handle everyone with faith and respect, observe fundamental human rights, and we expect our employees to act in the same way.
Brother Group Principles of Social ResponsibilityOverview of the Brother Group's commitment for respecting human rights
Brother Group Human Rights Global Policy
Brother Group respects the human rights of all people involved in the business activities of Brother Group, and actively engages in measures to ensure that our business activities do not have a negative impact on human rights.
In order to further work towards the advancement of human rights, we hereby formulate the Brother Group Human Rights Global Policy ("Policy").
1-Scope of application
This Policy applies to all officers, employees, part-time employees, expatriate employees, temporary employees, and contract workers of Brother Group. In order to ensure that the measures described in this Policy extends to the whole of the value chain, Brother Group shall, either directly or indirectly, request that the people who are involved in our group's products and services would understand the Policy and cooperate with surveys, audits, and other measures outlined in the Policy.
2-Respecting human rights
Brother Group respects the human rights set forth in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and works towards the advancement of human rights based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights endorsed by the United Nations Human Rights Council.
In case there is a difference between the internationally recognized standards on human rights and the laws and regulations of each country or region, Brother Group will adopt the higher standard of the two, and in case there is a conflict between those standards, Brother Group will follow the laws and regulations of each country or region, while pursuing ways to respect the internationally recognized human rights to the greatest extent possible.
*Human rights issues that are most important to Brother Group include the following:
- Non-discrimination and Non-harassment
- Fair and lawful labor practices
- Freedom of association
- Child and forced labor
- Health and safety at work
- Sanitation, food and housing
3-Human rights due diligence
Brother Group is aware of the effects that its business activities may have on human rights. For this reason, Brother Group has introduced, and will continue to implement a due diligence process to assess the negative impacts that its business activities may have on human rights.
In case where negative impacts on human rights are identified, Brother Group will suspend the business activities and transactions, strive to mitigate the negative impacts resulting from such activities, or implement other measures to correct or prevent recurrence of such negative impacts. Such measures will be monitored to ensure that they are implemented properly.
4-Relief mechanism
Brother Group will provide a helpline where people such as victims who are negatively affected by human rights within Brother Group's value chain can seek relief. The helpline is open to everyone, including those within and outside of Brother Group. At the helpline, Brother Group will maintain anonymity and confidentiality in order to protect those who raise their concerns.
5-Information disclosure / Consultation
Brother Group makes appropriate disclosures on its website and reports regarding its human rights due diligence policy and the measures taken to identify and remedy negative human rights impacts.
Brother Group will also engage in sincere consultation with relevant stakeholders regarding the impacts its business may have on human rights.
Based on the Policy, Brother Group implements various training programs to prevent negative impacts on human rights.
Promotion Structure
The Brother Group has established the Sustainability Committee chaired by the Representative Director & President. The Responsible Value Chain Subcommittee is one of the subcommittees under this Committee and promotes Group-wide global efforts to ensure respect for human rights.
The Subcommittee formulates global human rights due diligence policies and implements human rights due diligence throughout the value chain as its activities to ensure that the human rights of people involved in the Group's business are respected and to provide safe and secure workplaces for workers.
For details, please see "Management with an Emphasis on Sustainability -Promotion of Management with an Emphasis on Sustainability- Promotion Structure".
Endorsing the "My Declaration of Human Rights" Promoted by the Ministry of Justice
BIL has endorsed the "My Declaration of Human Rights," an initiative advocated by the Ministry of Justice, and has issued its own declaration as the Brother Group.
The My Declaration of Human Rights is a program promoted by the Ministry of Justice and the National Federation of Associations of Human Rights Volunteers, encouraging companies, organizations, and individuals to declare their commitment to respecting human rights. By doing so, the initiative aims to create a society where everyone respects one another’s human rights.
For more details, please visit the following website featuring the Brother Group's My Declaration of Human Rights.