Materiality Identification Process
The Brother Group has identified five materialities (priority social issues) in the medium-term business strategy, CS B2024 in order to "contribute to society and help protect the earth" as "Our Purpose" in the Brother Group Vision "At your side 2030." To identify these issues, final decisions were made after thorough discussions at management meetings and by the Board of Directors through the process outlined below.
Brother Group Materiality
The Brother Group has identified the following five issues as our materialities (priority social issues): "supporting people's value creation," "realizing a diverse and active society," "pursuing a responsible value chain," "reducing CO2 emissions," and "circulating resources." We consider addressing these materialities to be one of the key management issues for the duration of CS B2024, and set sustainability targets to promote company-wide efforts such as addressing sustainability through our business, environmental initiatives, and improving employee engagement.
Supporting people's value creation
This materiality is linked to "Our Purpose" stated in the Brother Group Vision "At your side 2030." It expresses Brother's desire to contribute to the enriched and comfortable lifestyles of people around the world through our activities and value provided by Brother's diverse products and services.
Realizing a diverse and active society
This materiality aims to create an environment where diverse employees can play an active role in the Brother Group, and where diverse perspectives, knowledge, and values that are not based on any particular attribute are leveraged in creating innovation and decision-making of the organization.
Pursuing a responsible value chain
We are committed to conducting assessments using appropriate methods and making continuous improvements to ensure that the human rights of all people involved in the value chain of Brother's business operations are respected and that the safety and security of all workers are protected.
Reducing CO2 emissions and circulating resources
Addressing environmental issues has become an imperative for all companies. At Brother, we announced the Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050, the Group's environmental vision, in March 2018, and have been engaged in the initiatives.
Materiality and Sustainability Targets
Materiality | Targets for FY2024 | Progress | Relevant SDGs | |
Contribute to society | Supporting people's value creation |
Realizing a diverse and active society |
Pursuing a responsible value chain |
Protect the earth | Reducing CO2 emissions |
Circulating resources |
Lifetime Value (LTV)
Customer lifetime value, which is the value to customers and profits generated for companies over the entire usage period of products and services - Brother Industries, Ltd.
Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)
International organization to promote CSR, which establishes standards to ensure that working conditions are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that business operations are conducted environmentally responsibly and ethically in the supply chains of the manufacturing industry -
Scope 1, 2, 3
Categories of greenhouse gas emission sources; Scope 1 refers to direct greenhouse gas emissions by business operators, Scope 2 refers to indirect greenhouse gas emissions resulting from use of electricity, heat, and steam supplied by other entities, and Scope 3 refers to indirect greenhouse gas emissions other than Scope 1 and 2 (emissions by other entities related to the activities of business operators)
As a member of society, the Brother Group has worked to solve priority social issues. Our sustainability initiatives also support the sustainable growth of the Brother Group's business itself.
As we have always done over the years, we aim to remain a company that continues to be trusted by society by continuing to respond to our customers' needs and concerns with the spirit of "At your side," and by addressing social issues, including environmental issues, with sincerity.