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Kariya Factory Achieves Carbon Neutrality in Accordance with ISO 14068

October 21, 2024

Brother Industries, Ltd.

Brother Industries, Ltd. (President: Kazufumi Ikeda) today announced that its Kariya Factory (Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture) achieved carbon neutrality in FY2023 and has completed the verification of compliance with the ISO 14068-1:2023 standard*1 by the third-party organization BSI Group Japan K.K. This is the first time that the Brother Group has achieved carbon neutrality in accordance with the ISO 14068-1:2023 standard*2, and is also the first time it has been achieved in the manufacturing industry in Japan.

kariya Solar power generation system at the Kariya Factory

The Kariya Factory is Brother's largest manufacturing facility in Japan, and develops and manufactures products centered on machine tools and garment printers. The factory is conducting an array of efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, including the installation of solar power generation system on the site and the reduction of electricity consumption within the factory. In the future, the factory plans to install more solar power generation panels on the site and procure renewable energy from Nagano Prefecture through off-site PPA*3. The factory has worked to reduce Scope 1 and 2*4 emissions from its business activities and achieved carbon neutrality. By continuing these efforts, the factory will contribute to building a society capable of sustainable development.

In the Brother Group Vision "At your side 2030" formulated for FY2030, the Brother Group declared Our Purpose as "By being 'At your side,' we enable people's productivity and creativity, contribute to society, and help protect the earth." In addition, in the "Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050", the Brother Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality in all business operations and minimize CO2 emissions from the entire value chain by FY2050, and will continue to carry out various other efforts toward this goal.

  1. An international standard (issued on November 30, 2023) that provides principles, requirements, and guidance for achieving and demonstrating carbon neutrality through quantification, reduction, and offsetting carbon footprints in organizations and products
  2. Carbon neutrality in accordance with the PAS (Publicly Available Specification) 2060:2014 standard has been achieved at manufacturing facilities in the United Kingdom since 2021 and in Slovakia since 2022.
  3. A type of contract in which an electricity generation utility supplies electricity to companies and other entities from a remote power plant via the general electricity transmission and distribution network
  4. There are the following three scopes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions:
    Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions by business operators
    Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions resulting from use of electricity, heat, and steam supplied by other entities
    Scope 3: Indirect GHG emissions other than Scope 1 and 2

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