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The Brother Group Revises its Medium-Term Targets for FY2030 of the "Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050"

March 3, 2025

Brother Industries, Ltd.

Brother Industries, Ltd. (Head Office: Nagoya; President: Kazufumi Ikeda) today announced that it has revised its medium-term targets for FY2030, set out in its Environment Vision 2050, regarding CO2 emissions reduction and resource circulation.

Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050 (Text in bold show the revised parts)

Medium-term targets for FY2030 Environmental Vision 2050
Reduction of CO2 emissions
  • [Scopes 1*1 and 2*2]
    Achieve 65% reduction from the FY2015 level
  • [Scope 3*3 (Categories 1, 11, and 12*4)
    Achieve 28.5% reduction from the FY2022 level
Achieve carbon neutrality*5 in all business operations and minimize CO2*6 emissions from the entire value chain so as to contribute toward creating a carbon-free society
Resource circulation
  • Reduce the amount of virgin materials used in products*7 by 25%*8 by FY2030 compared to the FY2022 level through the expansion of circular-economy-based businesses and materials recycling.
  • The manufacturing facilities continuously endeavor to ensure efficient use of water resources and proper treatment of wastewater
Maximize resource circulation to ensure the sustainable use of resources and to minimize the environmental impact due to wastes.
Biodiversity conservation
  • Assess the environmental impact of its business operations on the ecosystem and the effectiveness of restoration and conservation activities, and work to avoid and reduce the environmental impact on the ecosystem
  • The manufacturing and sales facilities of the entire group work on ecosystem restoration and conservation activities on a voluntary basis depending on the situation in each region
Minimize the environmental impact of business operations and carry out activities to restore and conserve the ecosystem beyond the impact

Revised Content

After revision Before revision
Reduction of CO2 emissions
  • [Scope 3*3 (Categories 1, 11, and 12*4)
    Achieve 28.5% reduction from the FY2022 level
  • [Scope 3*3 (Categories 1, 11, and 12*4)
    Achieve 30% reduction from the FY2015 level
Resource circulation
  • Reduce the amount of virgin materials used in products*7 by 25%*8 by FY2030 compared to the FY2022 level through the expansion of circular-economy-based businesses and materials recycling.
  • Reduce the ratio of virgin materials used in products*7 to 65% or less*9 by FY2030 through the expansion of circular-economy-based businesses and materials recycling.
  1. "Scope 1" refers to direct greenhouse gas emissions from the activities of a company
  2. "Scope 2" refers to indirect emissions from electricity, heat, and steam purchased and used by a company
  3. "Scope 3" refers to all indirect emissions not covered by Scope 1 or Scope 2, produced by third parties for the purpose of a company's activities
  4. CO2 emissions produced when using purchased products and services, when using sold products, and when disposing of sold products
  5. Achieve overall zero CO2 emissions from the Brother Group (Scopes 1 and 2)
  6. Scopes 1, 2, and 3
  7. Includes packaging materials
  8. Applies to Printing & Solutions Business
  9. Applies to Printing & Solutions, Machinery, and Personal & Home Business

The medium-term target of reducing Scope 3 CO2 emissions by 30% from the FY2015 level, which was established in 2018, was certified as a science-based target aligned with the Paris Agreement's "2°C target." In light of the urgent need for accelerated global action on climate change, we have revised this target to a 28.5% reduction from the FY2022 level, aligning it with the "Well Below 2°C target," which sets a stricter standard than the 2°C target.
Regarding resource circulation, we have been undertaking efforts the use of recycled materials and other initiatives to achieve the target of a "virgin materials ratio of 65% or less" in the Printing & Solutions (P&S) Business, the Machinery Business, and the Personal & Home (P&H) Business. As a result, the combined virgin materials ratio for the Machinery and P&H Businesses has been reduced to 65% or less. Moving forward, we will aim to reduce the absolute volume of virgin materials usage, ensuring a reduction in environmental impact, including Scope 3 CO2 emissions and biodiversity conservation. To achieve this, we have revised our target for the P&S Business, which accounts for over 80% of the Group's total virgin materials usage, to reduce the amount of virgin materials used in its products, including packaging materials, by 25% compared to FY2022 levels.

Under "At your side 2030" the Brother Group Vision for FY2030, we have set forth Our Purpose as "By being 'At your side,' we enable people's productivity and creativity, contribute to society, and help protect the earth." In our medium-term business strategy "CS B2027" covering FY2025 to FY2027, we have also identified CO2 emissions reduction and resource circulation as materiality issues. Going forward, we will continue actively engaging in environmentally conscious initiatives, such as improving product energy efficiency, utilizing reused and recycled materials, lengthen lifespan, and expanding subscription-based business models to create an environment where customers can use our products for longer periods.

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